Xy plotter drawing robot
Xy plotter drawing robot

xy plotter drawing robot

To become competent in implementing device drivers like GPIO, SPI, PWM.To acquire knowledge about intertask communication using queues.To learn FreeRTOS multitasking and demonstrate it.The home position for the plotter is specified using the limit switch. A G-code interpreter then decodes the instructions and generate the required movements for the stepper motor and servo motor. SD-card is selected to provide the 2D figures to the SJ one controller in the form of G-codes instructions. The SJOne board is interfaced to the motor shield PCB which connects two stepper and one servo motors. It uses LPC1758 ARM Cortex M3 based microcontroller(SJOne) as a brain of the robot. XY plotter is a CNC(Computer Numerical Control) based drawing robot capable of drawing 2D figures. These include 2D printing, laser cutting, welding, hole-punching etc. These machines find their use in any process that can be described as a series of movements and operations.

xy plotter drawing robot

Sd-card is used to provide the Gcode to the SJ one board.Ĭomputer numerical control (CNC) is the automation of machine tools by means of computers executing pre-programmed sequences of machine control commands. Gcode interpreter is developed in order to make the SJ one board decode the G-code and control the motors accordingly. Both the motors account for the movement of the chassis in X and Y axis and a servo motor is used to control the pen height. The plotter machine is assembled based on a mechanism similar to H-bot where the two stepper motors are on the main chassis connected to the single belt. This project aims at building a 2D XY-plotter which can efficiently draw 2D figures automatically. With this advancement for human upliftment, automation has become a paramount factor. In recent decades, there have been so many advances in the field of technology. We live in an epoch where the world is driven by technology.

xy plotter drawing robot

  • 8.6 Manual height adjustment of the Pen.
  • 8.4 Different task for two Stepper Motor.
  • 8.2 Erroneous movement of stepper motor using PWM pins output.

  • Xy plotter drawing robot